Financial Freedom at any income level

Achieve true
financial freedom

Discover the same step-by-step strategies I used to become a multi-millionaire and create a life of independence, flexibility, and purpose. Gain the freedom to do everything you want, and nothing you don't.

There's a problem

$97k median retirement

The median retirement savings for American workers is only $97k, leaving the idea of retiring or living the life they want out of reach.

$98k average debt

The average American average household is $98k in debt which blocks the ability to achieve financial freedom and build true wealth.

50% lack purpose

Over 50% of adults lack a clear sense of purpose in their life making it challenging to make financial decisions and build a life that aligns with their values and goals.

There's a solution

Everyone deserves to live a Rich and Meaningful Life. However, the sad reality is that most people won't. Not because they can't but because that lack clarity and knowledge on how to build the life they truly want.

My mission is to help you understand how money and business work so you can leverage simple step-by-step strategies to stop worrying about money, take control and build your Rich and Meaningful Life!


What people are saying


“When I first met Corey I was unemployed with $80k in debt. Today I'm debt free, earning 6-figures, and working for myself!”

Pouya Iranitalab
United States

“Thank you so much! I was able to land a high paying job at an amazing company and get in control of my money! You have no idea how much I appreciate this!”

Despina Loannidi

"I needed to take control over my finances and needless to say, working with Corey did not disappoint! I'm very grateful."

Giorgos Sakkatos

“This changed my life. The awareness it brought my husband and I has ended up saving us over $10,000 this year alone!”

Abigail Moss

“This is something anyone can implement. I’m now clear on my goals and limiting beliefs. I no longer have fear around money... huge change in my life!”

Anastasia Olympia Lekka
United Arab Emirates

“Before I met Corey I was spinning my wheels. After working with Corey the impact was night and day and I knew exactly what I needed to do!”

Jonathan Chan
United States

Hi – I’m Corey Holmes. I help people create their meaningful life and achieve financial freedom.

Achieving financial freedom and designing a meaningful life is about embracing your authentic self.

I approach life in a way that prioritizes independence, flexibility, and fulfillment, rather than simply chasing wealth.

Instead of asking: "how can I make more money?"

Ask: "what kind of life do I want to create?", and then implement step-by-step strategies that will make that life a reality.

Maybe you want to start a business, or maybe you want to acquire enough money to retire early and travel the world, or maybe you want less stress and more time with family.

It's not about accumulating more. It's about building the life you want.

Financial Freedom does not mean having an infinite amount of money. It’s about having the freedom to do everything you want... and nothing you don’t.


Four ways I
can help you


The Financial Rockstar Weekly Newsletter

Every Saturday morning, I share practical guidance to help you achieve financial freedom – all tactics, no fluff.


Programs and Resources for Action Takers

Self-paced programs and recourses that teach you how to design your Rich and Meaningful Life and achieve financial freedom.


Free Tools and Resources I Wish I Had When I Was 20

Grab my free tools and resources that helped me become a self-made multi-millionaire.


Be a guest on Financial Rockstar (Early Access)

Each week I sit down with individuals and couples to help them with their finances for free. Want to sit down with Corey? Apply today.


Amazing individuals I've helped

Jan 13, 2024, 4:17 AM
Update: the programs inspired me so much that by the end of the 2nd one, I quit my job, declined a very tempting offer from my previous employer who wanted to keep me in the company, raised my game, dared to aim high and got a high paying job at a SaaS startup working with amazing people. I know we did a “thank you” but saying it again now - thanks you so much for the inspiration.

Implementing these systems has been the best thing I ever done in my life so far.
Andreas3:15 PM
Before taking this I did not understand how much cash I was spending on things and realized I needed to figure this out.

I didn’t realize how restrictive my mindset and way of thinking was at the time but I got so much support and knowledge over the past few week. I was so stressed that I couldn’t think correctly. I’m stoked on how this is going to help not only my life but business moving forward. Thanks!
2:24 PM
After finishing I feel so proud, knowing that I have the tools in place to move forward in a way that is intentional and value-based.

I no longer need to second guess where my money is going, and this allows me to be fully present and immersed in what I am doing, such as working, or spending time with my family. 

I would highly recommend this to anyone who is struggling to create or keep a budget, and is not really sure what direction they want to take in life.

And if you already have an amazing budget and plan, this can still be valuable to you, by exploring tools and strategies that you may not already be aware of.

Many many thanks to the wonderful individuals who put this together, presented it, and made it available for myself and others to benefit from it. I am truly grateful!
Imagine I had a friend like you a year ago, I would already be a millionaire by now. Thank you so much Corey!! I’ll text you once I’m done. You made me more happy in 1 hour than people I’ve spent months working with spending crazy amounts of money!
10:38 PM
Giorgos10:46 AM
Needless to say, I WAS NOT disappointed.

From now on I know exactly how to manage my money. The intense knowledge and overview gives me a clear view of my finance that I always needed, and nothing gets out of hand anymore.

I can’t wait to apply these tools and knowledge with my upcoming business and I can’t wait for your next course. I’ve completely shifted my mindset around money and business. I feel much more positive and empowered.
Jan 16, 2024, 3:27 PM
If you’re running any programs or doing sessions for personal finance, I’m 10000% interested. Let me know, thanks for your content!!!
Thank you so much for this. You hit on all the questions I've had stuck in my head and opened my mind to things I wasn't even thinking about!

Everything you mentioned makes complete sense and I was really influenced to make some positive changes in my life that I'm excited about.
12:03 PM

Freedom to do
what you want.

Freedom to
put what you value first.

Freedom to
own your story.